学术讲座:What Drives China's Lottery Demand? A Behavioral Explanation




讲座内容简介:The traditional literature uses either the expected return of each lottery ticket or the jackpot size to explain the variation in lottery demand. However, we first prove that in China’s lottery practice, due to a unique cap policy which limits the grand prize, both of these two factors remain almost fixed while the lottery demand fluctuates significantly. In other words, these two standard theories cannot explain Chinese lottery demand. Then, by exploiting a unique individual level Chinese lottery betting panel data, we show that Chinese lottery players are influenced by some random shock factors which should not drive people to bet if people are fully rational. We further propose a behavioral model to explain it.

演讲人简介:袁嘉博士毕业于北京大学经济研究中心(硕士)和明尼苏达大学经济系(博士)。现为澳门大学商学院商业经济学副教授。袁嘉教授的研究领域包括实证产业组织、行为经济学以及环境经济学。其研究成果先后发表在多个国际期刊,包括Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economics Behaviors and Organization, Economics Inquiry, Ecological Economics,等等。
