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Li-li Wang, 2015, A Research on the Duration of China’s Export and its Decisive Factors Based on the CloglogModel

作者:  来源:  发布日期:2017-12-15


Using the non - parameter Kaplan - Meier method and the discrete time Cloglog model, this paper empirically studies the duration of China’s export and its decisive factors. The results indicate that the dynamic change of China’s export relation-ship is very remarkable and the median of the duration is only two years. There is also the threshold effect for China’s export. The survival rate of trade relationship is lower at the beginning, but the failure rate after four years declines significantly. The rising of economic scale, initial export volume, diversification and so on, will reduce the failure probability of export relationship. While the rising of geographic distance, unit value, RMB exchange rate and so on, will increase the failure probability of export relationship. Finally, this paper put forward some suggestion about how to lengthen the duration of China’s export. 


Keywords: export; duration; Cloglog Model 


Autors of the Article

Du Yunsu1 ,Wang Lili2 .
1.Institute of International Economics and Trade, Nanjing University of Financeand Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China;
2.Institute of International Economy, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing 100029, China.


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